
The inspiration to Barefoot was found in another painting.

Penang Hill

Hiking in Flip Flops has always been something I got undelightful looks for, but the joy of free feet and not having to worry about having wet socks puts a bright as smile on my face, so as long as the weather allows it, I be hiking in sandals and a happy mind. 

I reflected on that hike while Painting the Penang Hill Digital Media Painting. Don't get me wrong, I also explored partly the Chinese Wall in Flip Flops and many more destinations, but just because the locals do it, too. I watched two middle-aged men carrying an old lady on a fireside chair style made out of bamboo up the entire quadrillion stairs of the Avatar Mountains in China. Guess what those two men have been wearing?? Yep, you guessed it, sandals old as sandals. Every step seemed to be taken with satisfaction and a proud expression.

So, if I put that together, I believe not the shoes take us where we want to go, but the outlook, our inner voice, and the attitude we wear carrying our head held high, no matter how hard it gets or what lies in the way that we need to go to make development as an individual.


Symbolises all those beautiful and precious tiny to massive things we run into and chooses to keep walking, head held high. Let's raise a toast to life and all the fantastic opportunities it presents.

Medium: Acrylic/ mixed media on Canvas

Size: 40x40 cm

Created: 2023

And with this being said, back to Barefoot the Painting it symbolises all those beautiful and precious things we run into and chooses to keep walking, head held high. So I raise my glass and toast to life to all the fantastic opportunities it presents with a painting of joyfulness found in the slippery road we call life.


Nothing less than extraordinary.


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