Penang Hill Hike near George Town

It takes approximately 2-3 hours to hike to the top. Be aware that the path can get extremely slippery during and before the rainy season - it's a good idea to check out the weather before going. Besides Penang Hill's peaks, a multitude of lookout points and simply turning around during the hike are definitely worth it, as you will get the best views of the city and its surrounding areas. 

Hiking up Penang Hill in Malaysia with flip-flops brought smiles and laughter from those seeing my unconventional choice of footwear.

If you're in George Town and looking for a great hiking spot, Penang Hill or Bukit Benderanear (in Malay) is a perfect choice. The mountain trail takes about two hours to complete and offers stunning views of Penang Island from its six peaks. Halfway up, there's a rest stop where you can enjoy a cup of tea, and a small outdoor gym is available if you want to squeeze in some extra exercise.

Read and see how this hike inspired more of my art


💡You may consider wearing shoes, and with shoes, I mean anything but flip-flops. I assumed an easy hike and asked a local who said, "Yeah, flip-flops can do :)." 2 hours later, I looked up the slippiest mountain path ever like an ant getting ready to climb Mount Everest in flip-flops. Guess what, then I knew flip-flops are shoes, too. :))


Cameron Highlands - Terra Treehouse