Progress: Can we prepare for improvement?

The things most people do not say out loud are the most important things for making progress.

Let me be the odd one out and start right here with:

I never thought the know-how to make a website would be essential for me, but I believed it would come in handy one day.

“There is no way I can build a website myself” -

But what if I try?

The story starts a few years back on a lazy weekend. A commercial with the slogan "Create a Website in Minutes” popped up while I was clicking my way through YouTube. My first thought was - "There is no way I can build a website myself."

I am the complete opposite of a technologically knowledgeable person. So, for the sake of that, here are 3 good reasons why I should have not even tried: 

  • I never had a laptop that lasted longer than a year till 2019 (when I decided it was time for Apple)

  • I have no idea how to operate an antivirus software. All I know is that if the little umbrella is closed, it means bad news. 

  • I am trying, but I do not know any IT jargon. My eyes roll back, and my head starts spinning as soon as I hear computer language. - I am the nightmare of every IT support - which doesn’t make things easier.

There is no way I can build a website myself. - untill…

Without further ado, I went to the website, signed up for a trial, and started preparing a homepage to find out how it's done and to prove the commercial wrong.

Well, it wasn't a big deal, and I clicked through the process, which was relatively easy. I didn't add any pictures or actual content. I did not end up publishing this site, but this lazy afternoon years ago made me believe in myself when I started creating the homepage you are on right now. 

Keeping myself challenged and staying nosy has become my secret ingredient to living a creative life.

The Setting

the acrylic on canvas is an expression to remind us that everything is temporary except the gifted love by the right person.


Keeping myself challenged and staying nosy has become my secret ingredient to living a creative life. Remember, Progress is not a giant step. Progress is the sheer striving to try and learn new things. It may seem like nothing at this particular time, but it will pay off later on. 

Progress is the sheer striving to try and learn new things.

Oh, and the majority of what I learned - I learned from YouTube, whether it’s sewing, how to repair a house, the German tax system, or how to upload a colouring book for KDP.

Last but not least, this is for You who disbelieve in being able to build a website yourself. To me, the answer is Squarespace. I struggled sometimes, but probably because I refused to watch most of the tutorials as I am the equivalent of an inpatient person. So this website was built by a hard-headed woman who refuses to give up as I believe that everything life throws at us is good for something - and, of course, by Squarespace with wonderful award-winning templates and designs.


What about you?

Do you agree with the theory that Progress is made by simply setting your mind to a task?

Do you have a secret ingredient for Improvement? 

And how do you feel about motivation? I believe motivation takes place as soon as you enjoy the action or outcome.


And a huge THANK YOU to the best support team I can think of for keeping up with me no matter what.

Love and Peace, Stella


Marjan Hill Forest Park, the coastline, the city of Split, and the mountains


Nothing less than extraordinary.