Marjan Hill Forest Park, the coastline, the city of Split, and the mountains

Marjan Park in Split is a natural treasure that offers peaceful little trails, a huge playground, a little zoo, and outstanding views over the coastline and Split Centre. The three-part staircase is accessible from multiple points, so you do not have to walk all the way up for a stunning panoramic view.

A young soccer enthusiast tells me this is where the national soccer team used to run during their training camp. The staircase is 178 m high and includes 314 steps.

So, here I am! - standing across the street from Marjanske Stine at the turn of Trumbiceva Obala Street. That's the starting point of the first staircase that leads to “The Great Cat Point,” up the “Marjan Hill Staircase” to “Marjan Hill Viewpoint”, and finally to “Telegrin Peak,” which, according to my calculation, contains about 1 million steps.


The first bit of the withe stone staircase is painless, and there is little to see.

Leaving the second part of the staircase with trees lined behind sounds easier than it is. Here at "The Great Cat Point," Cats hide in the greenery. Little pots with water and food are set up for these sweet, fluffy friends who are initially shy but love human interaction— while a kind Lady feeds them, I am running past.

The real fun begins here:

“Viewpoint to Marjan” to “Telegin Peak”

The lookout is satisfying and has a great view over the city of Split and the coastline. At the Teraca Vidilica Restaurant, the Espresso is strong and delicious, and the panorama is not just pleasing; it's delightful.

The wide stone trail leads uphill. Hikers, families and dog owners make their way up. Everyone meets to enjoy nature here, and I hear birds chirping only from afar.

The road leads to the next little lookout that offers a freshwater source, and behind a small stone building is what I have been looking for: the last part of the staircase!

A track of Narrow and deep stairs leads to a huge and wonderfully maintained playground in front of the zoo's entrance. Around the corner is an overnight parking spot, and the road leads up to Marjan Parking at the Telegrin Viewpoint.

I take a left, following the trail that offers an incredible view from afar along the coast.

Written on a big rock is "Veliki VRH cota 178 -> 314 Stepenice" - I assume that I have already taken 178 of 314 stairs and am happily running further up with a burst of energy.

But the sun is hot, sweat is running down on me, and I slowly realise that my Kroatian might not be on point.

I am back running the same trail two years later, knowing that the sign translates to "Large TOP, elevation 178 -> 314 Stairs." A burst of energy strikes my body by leaving it behind. I am running and taking a video while wearing a bright smile, knowing it's only 314 steps to the top. Today, it doesn't seem so far anymore.

"3,2,1. Made it!"- and I think to myself: "Nothing beats the feeling of serotonin and dopamine rushing through the body after a great set of exercises."

But my view spins in circles, and the panorama scenery of Marjan Hill Forest Park, the coastline, the city of Split, and the mountains in the backdrop feast me with satisfaction.


Progress: Can we prepare for improvement?