Perhentian Islands Turtle Project and your chance to Volunteer at Perhentian Kecil

Turtles, Turtles and more Turtles

Perhentian Turtle Project is located on the smaller island of the two Perhentian Kecil at the Fishermans Village and at Turtle Beach on Perhentian Besar.

They are doing a fantastic job focusing on awareness about sea turtles and educating the community, government work and function together with the Department of Fisheries (DOF) and Marine Parks Division.

They work day and night to protect those beautiful creatures, as is the sea turtle stranding response, night patrols around the beaches, and photo ID for identification and nesting protection.

You can get involved by becoming a volunteer or adopting a turtle and help to protect our oceans.


Connect on Insta and become a volunteer

Connect on Instagram and become the next Volunteer of the Perhentians Turtle Project.


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